You may not realize it, but spring is just around the corner. During the long, cold months of winter, it may feel like spring will never arrive, but it will be here before you know it. That means now is the right time to get ready for spring cleaning.
With the right prep, you can turn spring cleaning into a manageable job instead of the overwhelming one it always seems to be. These five preps will help you look forward to spring cleaning when the time comes.
Make Yourself a List
There is no reason you can’t start your spring cleaning list now. Hang it on your refrigerator and then add to it when you think of something new. As your list begins to grow, you can group your chores in a way that make sense and will help you complete them quickly. Also, if you have items on your list that no one will ever notice you actually did, consider crossing them off now.
Make A Schedule
Because you are already making your list, that means you can start thinking about how much time your spring cleaning will take. Is it going to be a few hours or two or even three days? It is best to make a schedule and be ready to set aside the time to complete the job. Think about if you want to try and get it all done in a weekend or take a day a week over two or three weeks. You will want to consider your work schedule and the other activities that go on in your home as well. Thus, reach out to Red Hanger today for assistance with your Spring cleaning.
Pick a Cleaning Playlist
You’ve heard the expression, “Whistle while you work.” Music, even self-made, makes the job go faster and seem a little easier. So, go ahead now and develop a playlist for your spring cleaning. Pick songs that make you want to get up and move. You’ll be surprised just how much energy the right music will give you.
Declutter For Spring
The truth is almost everyone has too much stuff. Once the holidays come around, they typically get even more stuff. Now is a great time to go through your closets and other storage places. And, start making piles to prep for spring cleaning. Decide what you want to keep, what you want to throw away, and what you want to donate. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t used it in the past year, or you forgot you even owned it, it is time to get rid of it.
Have Your Rugs Cleaned
You really should be having your rugs professionally cleaned twice a year anyway, but if you haven’t, go ahead and schedule an appointment. You’ll find that not only will your rugs look better, you will breath easier and improve the air quality in your home as your rugs are full of allergens, dust mites, and dirt.
There is no doubt that spring cleaning is a big job. It can seem overwhelming and almost impossible once you are in the middle of it. You may even want to throw your hands up in frustration and forget about it completely but take heart. By pre-planning and using these five tips you can cut down on the time it takes to complete your spring cleaning, and you can make the whole project a little more fun. You will end up with a clean home, a sense of accomplishment, and a little more confidence that you can handle the big job, and that’s a win-win situation.
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