Woohoo! The holidays are almost here! With all the excitement, cheer, laughter, food and gifts comes a few unwanted holiday stains on your most-loved garments. We all know how big of a role food plays during the holiday season and stains are bound to happen with all the excitement. Nothing puts a damper on the holidays like a huge mess on your most favorite outfit or your living room carpet.
Here at Red Hanger we are ready to help you with any stains you may acquire on your clothing, rugs, or blankets this holiday season. Read more to learn about some essential tips to keep in mind in order to stay clean and tidy before the holidays.
Holiday Food Prep
The holiday season includes a lot of meal prepping. Therefore, it’s super important to always prepare food in advance! Prepping includes the chopping, dicing, sautéing, grating and slicing tons of veggies, meats, and bakes goods. If you are able to do all meal prepping the night before having guests and family over, the chancing of getting a stain on your garment is very slim. By doing this, you are less likely to become overwhelmed and stressed with cooking, prepping and baking the day of your gathering.
Remember, less holiday stress = less holiday mess!
Cake Frosting & Food Coloring Stain
While decorating your cakes and cookies with frosting and food coloring, chances are you may get a stain. Food coloring stains are not super easy to get rid of. You must treat these stains as soon as possible!
Dessert and Food Coloring Cleaning Solution:
First, scrape the excess off with a knife or spoon so it doesn’t dry. Second, combine one cup of cool water, one tbsp. of white vinegar and one tsp. of liquid dish soap. Then, pour just enough to cover the stain. Allow the solution to soak for about 15 minutes. Next, take a white microfiber cloth dipped in cool water to blot away the solution along with the stain. However, if the stain remains, then make a solution of one cup warm water, one tbsp. ammonia and one tsp. liquid dish detergent, and that should do it! However, if it doesn’t, contact Red Hanger for further assistance!

Butter and Grease Stains
Ugh! Butter and grease stains are the worst! Although butter and grease stains tend to stick are super hard to lift, by following our cleaning solution, you may have a chance to get rid of it, if you act in a timely manner after the stain occurs.
Butter and Grease Cleaning Solution:
First, blot the stain immediately with a microfiber cloth. And, be sure to use salt to soak up whatever possible. Never rub the stain! Then, use dish soap (they’re made to lift grease) to spot-treat the stain. Rinse on the hottest setting, if possible. Some garments don’t do well in hot water, so always follow instructions on the care labels. If it’s not working, come to us! We are here to help.

Red Wine Stain
Unfortunately, there is always at least one person who’s a bit clumsy and spills red wine all over their clothing and the floor during a holiday gathering. When caring for red-wine stain, always blot it right away with a white microfiber cloth until all of the liquid has been fully absorbed.
Red Wine Cleaning Solution:
Make a quick DIY solution of liquid dish soap (1 tbsp.), distilled white vinegar (1 tbsp.) and warm water (2 cups). Then, blot the stain. If your stain is still not coming off of the surface, contact Red Hanger to help with stain removal.
Remember red wine stains are almost a given when you’re having a dinner. Therefore, it might be a smart decision to invest in stemless wine glasses for the holiday season. These wine glasses don’t get as easily knocked over and spill.

Festive Drink Stains
Hot chocolate and eggnog holiday beverages can leave behind some ugly stains on your clothing garments. And, your beautiful rugs and carpets during the holidays. If this happens, it’s super simple to care for the stains!
Festive Drink Cleaning Solution:
All you need to do is mix two cups of warm water and liquid dish soap (one tbsp.). Then, slowly sponge the solution into the stain and blot again with a dry microfiber cloth. However, if the stain persists, mix one cup of white vinegar and two cups of warm water. Then, gently work through the stain. Afterwards, rinse the surface again with warm water and blot the remaining moisture with a dry microfiber cloth. If the stain is not coming off after these steps, be sure to contact Red Hanger for assistance.
Red Hanger Is Here To Help With Holiday Stains
Red Hanger is here to help keep your most-loved garments and home rugs and blankets clean during the holiday. We want to ensure that you always have the proper resources at arm’s reach to deal with unwanted spills and stains that may occur. Be sure to take a look at our published blog post to learn more about how to prepare your home for the holidays!