Packing is pivotal before traveling. Forget an essential item and you are left stranded and wondering whether you can find a store near you. Also if you pack too much, you may end up disorganized and burden with heavy bags that contains things you don’t need most. Some travelers pack two weeks’ worth of gear in their bags for a long weekend while others pack too lightly and forget important and basic things. However, savvy travelers strike the balance and bring just what you need.
Here are the top 5 essential tips for packing before traveling.
Have a Packing List
Procrastinators often fall short when packing. If possible, start your packing process a few days or even weeks before the trip. This way, you will get ample time to come up with a list of all the important things you will need in your vacation. Creating a packing list is a sure way of ensuring that you don’t forget to carry something important. Some of the important items you should remember to include cash and credit cards, emergency contacts and important addresses, travel insurance info, and passports and visas.
Keep Your Important Details Safe
Before going on a trip, make sure that you scan your passport photos, passport, and other important documents. Remember also to store the details of your emergency telephone numbers for your lost card so you know the person to contact should you lose your ATM or credit card. This way, you will have immediate access to your important information even if you lose everything while traveling. If you’re also considering using your credit card abroad, make sure that you can use it. Of course, you can use a US credit card in Canada, but you wouldn’t be able to use it in Morocco.
It is also important that you write the address of your destination and home and stick it on your luggage somewhere visible with an adhesive sticker. This way, even if you lose your luggage and your luggage label has come, the airline will at least still figure out whose luggage it is.
Roll Instead of Fold
Most travel experts who stuff a months’ worth of clothing into a small bag agree that rolling is superior to folding when packing clothes. This is true because perfectly rolled clothes take up less space than folded clothes, leaving you with plenty of room to play with. On the same note, rolled clothes are also less prone to creases and deep wrinkles.
However, remember to pack light. This is because in most cases, you don’t need to carry so many clothes like you think. It is important to consider how often you are going to be seen by the same people and figure out whether you will need to wear something different every other day throughout the trip.
Don’t Overstuff
When traveling, most people make the mistake of overstuffing their bags. Well, you could be tempted to carry as many things as possible but remember that most of the time, the things you carry might not be necessary or important during your trip. Do not pack your bag as a meatball. Pack the larger items first then the smaller ones. Besides making your bag lighter, this will also act as cushioning.
Pack Layers
Your traveling bag should also feature plenty of layers. This is important because it will help you travel to different climates comfortably and in style. For easy screening at the airport, remember to pack your items in neat layers. The faster your bag can be screened and cleared by the authorities, the faster you will get through the security line which is always a plus.
If you are planning on a trip and you have problems on how to pack, the above-mentioned are some of the tips to help you out. If followed, you will not have a problem packing the most basic and important items you need while you are away. And when you return, don’t forget to use a professional dry cleaning or laundry service to return your clothes to their pristine condition!