It’s that time again. The new school year is upon us and we have to start picking out some back to school clothes! That typically means spending a lot of money, arguing over clothes…and arguing over your kids trying them on, as well as the stress of shopping amidst hundreds of other parents all on the same mission. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Here is a quick look at some tips that will allow you to get through this season in one piece.
Back To School Clothes
- Make a list. If you have a game plan before you go out shopping, you will be able to leave the headache meds at home. On your list, include everything your children need as well as their sizes and then just stick to it.
- Take inventory. This can go hand in hand with the making of the list. Go through your kid’s clothes and determine what can still be worn and what needs to go. This will allow you to have a clear picture of what you already have and what you are lacking in.
- Hold off on the trendier items. Yes, your child might be crazy for it before school starts, but what happens when they get to school and see what everyone else got and want new stuff again?
- Shop online. No matter if you have only one child or 5, shopping at the mall is never a fun or easy thing to do. Shop in the comfort of your own home online and don’t stress like you would at the mall. While your child won’t be able to try stuff on, most websites have a return policy.
- If you have more than one child, consider shopping on a one on one basis. Taking all of them at once can be both stressful and overwhelming to everyone involved. Taking them one at a time not only eases the stress levels, it also allows you to spend quality time with each one of them.
- Shop the sales. The end of summer means that a lot of stores will be having big sales. You know that kids wear short sleeve shirts year around so take advantage of the sales to stock up on them. It is also a good idea to buy the next size up at these sales so that you will have a head start on next year’s shopping.
- Out with the old – in with the new. Take your kids’ old clothes and sell them at a garage sale, on eBay, Craigslist, or even at a consignment shop. This is a great way to keep the cost of all that new stuff from eating into your bank account.
- Window shop – before heading out to the stores, go online to the websites of your favorite stores. Have your children come and pick out some items from the website and then you can also check various other sites to hunt down the lowest prices. Also, be sure to take advantage of sale ads in your Sunday paper.
- Stay away from the masses. We all know that everyone and their mama will be shopping on Saturday and Sunday. For that reason, instead of going then, go after dinner on a week night. The crowds will be lighter and you will have a time limit in which to get everything done…by the time the shops close.
- Check out the overstock stores. If you want your child to have brand name clothing, check out the various overstock stores…both online and in person. Think TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshalls and Overstock.com.