Every parent knows that trying to do that load of laundry for that new little one can be stressful, physically tiring, and take an inordinate amount of time. Some stains seem like they will never come out. For those who struggle trying to efficiently and effectively remove all of the general grime from their baby’s clothing, here are some tips to help you make those clothes as good as new! Maybe the clothes will even last long enough to make it down to the younger sibling!
Make Sure to Wash Brand New Clothing Items
Cleaning newly purchased baby clothes thoroughly is a must. Many clothes for babies are sprayed with formaldehyde prior to transportation to the store. Formaldehyde keeps clothes unwrinkled and gives them that brand new sheen and smell that attracts buyers. Unfortunately, formaldehyde is also what is used to preserve dead bodies prior to a funeral. This is definitely not a chemical that sensitive baby skin should be exposed to. Make sure to use a “free and clear” detergent for the first wash on these clothes for complete formaldehyde removal.
Stained Baby Laundry
Once the clothes are on baby, curiosity will begin to set in. Babies will always find a way to make sure everything in the house ends up all over their clothes. From pureed baby food to formula and more, the clothes are bound to get covered in every liquid your home has to offer. Some of these stains are very hard to remove, but this isn’t an insurmountable challenge. Use cold water rinse to prevent the stain from setting then place the clothes in a laundry pre-treater. This allows the next baby laundry cycle to fully remove the stain.
Tips For That Exploding Diaper
Unfortunately, diapers aren’t air tight. This means that diapers do occasionally explode, particularly after an oily meal. These stains also require a pre-treatment to remove effectively. Fill the washer about half full with water and then mix in 2-3 tablespoons of detergent along with a half cup of color safe bleach. Let the stained clothing soak for about a half hour and then run the washer on hot. This will help remove the stain effectively.
Stains While Out & About
Unfortunately, stains always find a way to hit at the most inopportune time. Babies tend to spit up whenever they feel like it. And while shopping doesn’t exactly give easy access to a laundry machine to remove the stain. While stores offer “to go” stain remover pens, these simply aren’t necessary. Try making a spray bottle with a 3 to 1 mixture of water and detergent when doing baby laundry. They fit in the purse and make perfect solutions to prevent the stain from setting until reaching a laundry machine.
The Finishing Stain Remover
For clothes that have been stained, when doing baby laundry, the ultimate finisher for removing them is to let the clothes dry in the sun. Sometimes a residual stain is left over, either in the form of a splotch or a smell. The sun helps to remove whatever is left over using some additional light and heat. This will ensure those baby clothes are smelling fresh for the next round. The neighbors will be impressed!
Stains and baby clothing can be a challenge to deal with. That’s why these tips have been battle tested through many rounds of parenting and perfected to make even the toughest stains go away. Removing formaldehyde, using pre-treatment for stains even while on the go, and drying clothes in the sun are great ways to preserve clothes. For those persistent stains that won’t disappear, it’s important to remember to call the professionals. No stain is too tough to handle and the professionals can always get the stain out.
And, feel free to reach out to Red Hanger today for all of your dry cleaning and laundry needs. We are here to help!
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