Nobody likes spending time doing laundry. But have you ever thought about just how much your life revolves around it? A fun laundry fact: The average American family has to do anywhere from 300 to 390 loads per year, which works out to 6 to 7.5 loads every week. Between gathering everything up, sorting, washing, drying, and folding, you’ve just knocked out a major part of your day.
But what if someone else could do your laundry for you? That’s where Red Hanger comes in. Our new everyday laundry bag service takes care of this chore, freeing up time you can spend on family, hobbies, or just good old relaxation. Just put up to 10 pounds of laundry into one of the provided bags and your garments will come back washed, folded, and looking great.
Red Hanger Is All About Convenience
You don’t want to lug your laundry bag to the cleaners? We pick up your laundry right from your doorstep twice a week. Plus pickups and deliveries are always free. You can even enjoy same-day service at most locations for pickups before 2 pm.
Does laundry service seem a bit extravagant? If you do the math, it’s really not. While nearly half of American homeowners employ professionals to take care of yard work and housekeeping, few take advantage of professional laundry service. However, yard work and housekeeping – both chores that most people can handle themselves – are actually significantly more expensive per hour of time saved than everyday laundry service.
If you’re still not convinced, check out these three surprising facts that might make you reconsider:
The average American family of four spends 12 hours each month doing laundry.
By switching to a professional laundry service, you’ll free up these 12 hours. What would you do with an extra day off each month? To put this in a scarier perspective, analysts have estimated that parents spend an average five months of their lives washing, drying, and folding laundry. While life is full of necessary monotonous time sinks, this is one you can finally kick to the curb.
Washing clothes is the major reason why they eventually wear out.
Of course, we also don’t want to wear dirty, smelly clothing. To keep your garments looking like new for a long time to come, they must be cared for properly. While many people take potentially damaging laundry shortcuts, professional hands will save your clothing from premature degradation. That’s one reason why professionally laundered clothing just seems to look nicer! At Red Hanger, we carefully follow the instructions on all intact care labels, making sure to keep your clothes looking great for as long as possible
Laundry service can save you money in the long run.
Many people shy away from everyday laundry service because of the cost. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that no matter how you do your laundry, things still get expensive. Families who do their own laundry can expect to spend $180 to $300 on laundry detergent each year. Home laundering is also a major contributor to high utility bills, using up large amounts of water and electricity with each load. Plus there’s always the high cost of the machines themselves along with their maintenance. Even if you take your clothes to a self-service laundromat, those quarters add up. With all these budget items eliminated, is $19.95 really that high a price for the convenience and time saved?
Take a look at our published blog post today to learn more about how long the average person takes doing laundry.
Or, feel free to take a look at our blog that discusses 5 reasons why laundry service is worth it.
Click Here For Laundry Service