Suede coats are perfect to wear during the cooler seasons. They surely are a fashion statement with their soft textures and luxurious look. Although they can be quite expensive at times, they are definitely more breathable and cooler compared to full grain natural leather coats.
Suede is a more high-quality form of leather, made from the underside of the animal hide. It’s characterized by a soft smooth surface that easily attracts dust and absorbs stains like oil. While some small stains on suede coats can undergo treatment at home, it is highly advised for a professional dry cleaner who specializes in leather care to clean your suede coats.
Whether you own an all-natural suede coat, jacket, vest, purse, hat, or shoes, by following our cleaning tips down below, its guaranteed that your suede garments will remain stain-free and luxurious looking for the years to come.
What Materials Will I Need?
- Suede Brush
- Microfiber Cloth
- A Pencil Eraser or Art Gum Eraser
- Blunt Knife or Plastic Edge
- Emery Board Nail Filer
- A Paper Towel or Napkin
- Cornstarch or Baby Powder
Food Stains in Suede
When you get food or wet mud on your suede coat, never rub the stain. Rubbing the stain will only drive the stain deeper into the fibers of the leather. Use a blunt knife to lift away as much of the wet stain as possible and always use a light touch.
If the stain is due to a liquid matter, then use a paper towel or a clean, white cloth to blot away as much of the stain as possible. Put the cloth directly over the stain and apply some pressure to draw the moisture away from the suede and into the cloth. Then, allow the coat to dry naturally with direct sunlight or heat.
Dried Stains in Suede
Once the stained area has dried naturally, it is much easier to treat. After every treatment on the suede coat, brush the affected area thoroughly with your suede brush to restore the smooth fabric.
First, gently rub the affected area with a microfiber cloth then use a pencil eraser to gently rub away the stain. Lastly, gently rub the stained area with an emery board nail file to remove whatever is left of the stain.
Oil Stains in Suede
When dealing with oil in suede, always treat the stain as soon as possilbe !The longer oil stains remain on your fur coat, the deeper they get into the fibers of the coat. If a little bit of oil drips on your fur coat, then blot the stained area with a napkin or a paper towel. Do not add water to the stain area or rub into it.
Absorb the oil…
Sprinkle baby powder or corn starch on the stain in order to absorb the oil. After approximately an hour, the powder will begin to have an oily look. When this happens, brush away the powder with a soft brush. If you feel the need to leave the powder on the stain for longer than an hour, that is totally okay!
If the oil stain is completely dissolved, then begin to brush the coat with your suede brush. However, if the stain is still visible on the brush, you can add more powder for a longer period of time until no more oil is absorbed in the coat. Or, bring your coat to your professional dry cleaner for a cleaning.
Sticker Residue in Suede
Believe it or not, sticky name tags, stickers, or tape can leave an unwanted residue on your suede coats after being pulled off. It’s advised to avoid stickers on your suede coat if possible. However, if sticker residue is left behind on your suede coat, it is important to slowly remove the stickiness from the coat. Here’s how…
- Remove the Sticker
If you are having trouble taking the sticker off of your coat, dampen the coat lightly with a wet paper towel. Use the edge of a blunt knife to gently scrape the sticker away
- Air – Dry
After removing the sticker, allow the area to air dry with direct sunlight or heat. If the residue it very light on the coat, try brushing the affected area with your suede brush.
- Erase the Sticky
If the residue still remains on your coat, try using an art gum eraser. Do not scrub the area, instead use gently strokes. The eraser should pick up any left over glue on your coat that is left in the fibers.
- Use an Emery Board
At this point, if the suede brush and art gum eraser didn’t remove the stickiness, use an emery board to gently rub the area. Use the emery board very lightly in order to prevent rubbing away the texture of the fabric.
How do I keep my suede coat clean longer?
- Never allow your suede garments to remain wet for a long period of time. Hang your coat up and allow it to air dry with direct sunlight or heat exposure.
- Wear a scarf around your neck to prevent body oils from transferring to the collar of your coat.
- Bring your stained suede coat, jacket, vest, hat, purse, or shoes to Red Hanger for professional cleaning. The longer the stain remains on the suede material, the more difficult it will be to remove.
How Often To Clean Suede
Using a soft-bristled suede brush after each time you wear your suede coat helps remove soil and loose dust. If you brush your coat regularly, this will delay the need for professional cleaning.
If caught in the rain while wearing your fur coat, allow the damp suede material to dry away slowly from direct sunlight or heat.
Keep in mind, a suede coat must undergo professional cleaning if it develops odors from perspiration. Or, if it has significant stains that are difficult to get off. The coat always needs cleaning prior to being put away in storage at the end of the season.
Since leathers require special chemicals and equipment for cleaning and dyeing, we have partnered with leather specialists that have been in business for decades. Contact Red Hanger today to learn more about the cleaning process for all suede garments.