When Wearing Summer Attire, Let All Sun Lotions and Tanners to Dry Thoroughly
A “sun-kissed glow” is a perk of the summer sun. But, there’s nothing cute about a glowing shirt. Self-tanners are notorious for leaving beige, brown, or even orange stains on clothing. When applying self-tanners, be sure to follow the directions carefully; allow your skin to thoroughly dry before getting dressed. If any tanner accidentally gets on your summer wardrobe, wash it immediately as the stain will be much more difficult to remove once it dries and sets.
The same is true for sun lotion: allow the lotion to dry completely before getting dressed. Newer sun lotions, especially those in the spray bottles, will yellow your clothing, particularly around the neck or collar of your shirt. The stains often do not show up until after a washing so be extra careful when applying the sun lotion. If stains do pop up, use a presoak with an oxygen cleaner before washing. Always read the label on your summer wardrobe before washing or soaking an item. Tricky or set-in stains may need to be treated by a laundry care professional.
Deodorant is a year-round toiletry staple but one that gets extra use in the summer. As always, allow your deodorant to dry or switch to a “dry spray.” Pre-treat deodorant stains with a solution of white vinegar and water, and then wash as directed.
Clean Sweat And Grass Stains Immediately
The second tip for caring for your warm weather gear is taking care of stains as soon as possible. Summer is nothing if not hot, and heat means extra sweat! Sweat and sweat stains are nearly impossible to avoid (even when wearing deodorant) so the key is treating it right away.Be sure to read the labels on your garments before washing. A flowy silk blouse might be perfect for a fancy summer evening date, but be sure to visit your local dry cleaner for removing sweat stains from silk, as it is a very delicate fabric.
Another common summer wardrobe stain, thanks to the popularity of little leagues, is grass stains. Grass stain tip: soak the item of clothing in warm water with an oxygen cleaner. After soaking, add a drop of liquid detergent and use a toothbrush (pick up a cheap pack and use around the house for cleaning projects) to scrub the stain. Wash as directed.
Extend The Life of Your Swim Suit
Water is often the center of a summer activity. Between the pools, beaches, surfing, and boating, the swimsuit is often the star of the summer wardrobe. Proper care of your suit will allow the suit to last for more than one season. When reapplying sun lotion at the pool or beach, try to avoid getting sun lotion on your suit as it can stain the suit. In addition, chlorine and salt are harsh and can damage the fibers of your suit with prolonged exposure. After swimming, rinse your suit in cold fresh water. Hand wash with a few drops of detergent. If you opt to throw your suit in the washing machine, use a lingerie bag to keep any loose straps or strings from getting tangled or damaged. Skip the fabric softener; fabric softener builds up over time and reduces the fabric’s ability to wick away water. Always let your suit air-dry.