You know the old saying: time is money. Unless you take a moment to stop and think about it, you probably don’t even realize how much time you spend doing the things you do. For instance, take laundry, it’s one of the things we think about a lot at Red Hanger.
A research survey by The Bureau of Labor Statistics on “American Time Use” reveals this: we spend almost 20 minutes a day washing, drying, or folding. And, it adds up. Furthermore, after just a week, you’ve spent an average of two hours doing laundry. Even if you’re like some folks who save it for one day, the average bears out: you’re probably spending a few hours in your marathon laundry session.
Here’s an idea… Let Red Hanger do your laundry! You don’t even have to drop it off. With a Red Hanger account, you can set up laundry pickup and our drivers will come to your home or office and pick up your laundry for you. Basically, just leave it in one of our specially marked bags we provide and let us handle the rest. And, we get them back to you, cleaned and pressed in 3 business days. This is one of those things where once you start doing it, you’ll wonder how you lived without it.
Now that the laundry is taken care of, here’s a few different fun things you can do with your newfound free time:
#1: Finish that book
You know the one. It’s a YA classic, it’s a thriller, it’s a mystery. It’s a classic or it’s a guilty pleasure. Whatever it is, you can finish it now without your laundry tumbling in the back of your mind (or worse, in the back of your house where you can hear it). Better yet, draw you a soothing bath to read in, you have plenty of time on your hands to do so now that you have Red Hanger.
#2: Spend time with family and friends
Don’t worry about spending your free time doing a weeks worth of laundry. Go to dinner and a movie, or even a concert. We all have those friends or family members we haven’t spent enough time with in the last few weeks – and maybe feeling guilty about it. This week, make it up to them and to yourself.
#3: Go for a walk
Use this free time to do some meditation, a good walk outside can help you set the reset button. A recent New York Times article reveals that even a few hours of walking every week can fight dementia, obesity, and even depressing thoughts. It doesn’t have to be vigorous, timed, or in high altitudes, going for a walk can be very therapeutic.